Monday, March 12, 2012

looking back

i often think that i am incredibly spoiled.
mostly because i am.
i am 5 days away from the one year anniversary of one of the most significant events in my life.
my heart is more alive than it has ever been.
because He came for me.
and He continues to come for me.
a year ago, i had no idea what was about to happen.
that i was about to have an amazing encounter with my lover.
to hear and see and feel and understand for the first time
what it really meant to be in love. to be loved so deeply and to love so deeply.
and He knew exactly when to show Himself to me.
when i needed to meet His gaze and be completely undone by the intimate love He has for me. it was there that i knew i could trust Him. that no matter what He asked me to do, i would say yes. every single time. i had no idea what He would ask of me, but i knew there was never going to be a "no" on my lips. that encounter changed my life. and the sweetest part? it was just the beginning.

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