Friday, November 23, 2007

uncomfortable comfort

So, I've been assessing whether I can go back to California during my Christmas vacation. On the one hand, I long to see familiar faces...sit in familiar spaces...and be wrapped in more love than I deserve. On the other hand, I've been prayerfully working toward getting out of debt for a long time now and I find myself standing on the edge of a cliff...wondering...wanting...wishing...and yet knowing. Last year was a time of financial freedom I had never experienced, but it came at an emotional price I wasn't prepared for...and even though it is difficult to be disciplined in my spending habits, I wouldn't trade the uncomfortable comfort of being where I am right now for the pricey freedom I experienced last year. I know God will provide...He already has, in more ways than I deserve...and I know that just as I keep walking in faith, we'll get there. He'll do His the most perfect way possible. I'll bet Yosemite is beautiful in the Spring...