Saturday, December 01, 2007

unbelievably unexpected

thursday night. driving home from a LATE night at work. exhausted from a LONG week. went to the mailbox...just like i do every day after work. an unexpected envelope from someone who loves me. an earthly expression of a God who loves me infinitely more than i could ever deserve. the contents? a check to cover the cost of a ticket to california during my christmas break. tears. so many tears. an unbelievable and undeserved gift that leaves me speechless and humble at the feet of God.

Friday, November 23, 2007

uncomfortable comfort

So, I've been assessing whether I can go back to California during my Christmas vacation. On the one hand, I long to see familiar faces...sit in familiar spaces...and be wrapped in more love than I deserve. On the other hand, I've been prayerfully working toward getting out of debt for a long time now and I find myself standing on the edge of a cliff...wondering...wanting...wishing...and yet knowing. Last year was a time of financial freedom I had never experienced, but it came at an emotional price I wasn't prepared for...and even though it is difficult to be disciplined in my spending habits, I wouldn't trade the uncomfortable comfort of being where I am right now for the pricey freedom I experienced last year. I know God will provide...He already has, in more ways than I deserve...and I know that just as I keep walking in faith, we'll get there. He'll do His the most perfect way possible. I'll bet Yosemite is beautiful in the Spring...

Saturday, October 06, 2007

learning to love again

moving. it's this crazy thing that often brings out so many emotions you'd never expect. i've been away from "home" for nearly two months. there have been many things that have made this transition easier than i expected...being a familiar place, re-connecting with familiar faces, loving my kids from the moment i met them...but it's been hard at the same time. i don't know if that part will ever really go away. leaving is ALWAYS hard for me. maybe it's because i love SO deeply...and it doesn't take very long for me to get there either. i had a conversation with a parent of a student the other day and he was concerned because his daughter was having a really hard time, emotionally. in the short span of a month, she's started kindergarten, the family has moved to a new house, and they had to give their dog away because their yard isn't big enough for a dog. her dad was concerned because his sweet little girl seems to be taking things really hard. i reassured him that she'll bounce back by telling him about all the times i've moved in my life and that, eventually, i was fact eventually i fell in love with wherever i was. this whole conversation got me thinking about the process i go through whenever i move. honestly, it takes me about a year before i'm willing to put down solid roots...because i'm afraid i'll just move away's this funny thing because i love people so quickly and yet when i first move somewhere i put up this wall because i get scared i'll have to say goodbye to really amazing people before i've really had a chance to know them. then i think about my job. teaching is like that, you can pretty much guarantee you'll only teach each group for a year (well, 9 months really). that's all you have. i don't hold back with them. i can love those kids from the second i lay eyes on them and that love lasts FOREVER. so i've made a decision...scary as it may be. all i have is right now...this moment...the people who are in my life - whether you're HERE or THERE -...and i'm going to treasure it...because that's what love is really about. treasuring the time we have RIGHT NOW...because we've never been promised more than that.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

french fries

We've been learning about apples in my Kindergarten class. We've had lots of conversations about how there are different kinds of apples and I have asked the kids to tell me which color of apples is their favorite kind. One day, while coloring an apple booklet, a girl came up to me and said....
"Teacher, I like all three colors of apples."
"Uh huh. I like green apples because they're sour. I like yellow apples because they're super good. I like red apples because they taste like french fries."
I looked at her in amazement and asked, "Red apples taste like french fries?"
Without cracking a smile she said, "Yep. To me they do."

Hmmm...maybe I should eat more Red apples...

Sunday, September 23, 2007


July seems so far away now. I was getting ready for the move...excited and scared...holding my breath until life started to become normal again...whatever that means. Today is my sissy's birthday. As I was thinking about what to write in her card, I realized that I am really glad to be here to celebrate with her today, not because I'm visiting, but because this is where I LIVE now. There's still so much going on inside of me...missing friends...trying to make sense of all that is new about a place I once called home...but today I'm thankful that I can finally exhale a bit of what I've been holding onto since July. I don't know if I feel "normal" yet, but I feel like God is just asking me to be here and to find Him in the midst of it...and I am.

Happy Birthday, Mana ;)

Saturday, July 07, 2007

every moment

it's official. i'm moving. to oregon. weird. i should be happy. i AM happy...but today there was sadness. sadness because i realized just how much i'm going to miss this place. the love. the feeling of family. ugh. i HATE goodbyes. how all of this came about was such a complete and total GOD i KNOW it's going to be good...but my heart is still torn within me. excited about the people i'll get to see again - it's been a long time - and aching because i have to let go. it's not that we won't still be friends...but it will be's ALWAYS different. leaving home. coming here. finding home...only to leave again. this place, the people, so much love...something i will treasure always...but now it's time for a new adventure. i hope i find home again...and i hope they won't forget me...because i CAN'T forget them...or this.

Sunday, June 03, 2007


well, it's done. for now. i've just finished answering 7 of the most difficult essay questions EVER. i'd like to say they were for that paper i'm supposed to be writing...the one that's due June 15th, but no. they were for a job application. tomorrow is mailing day. i'm sending off 5 application packets that represent 17 different positions i've applied for. 15 in washington, 2 in oregon. that's right. i said oregon and washington. the end of may came and went without any hits from santa cruz county, so i expanded the search to include oregon and washington. now, whoever picks me first WINS.

i used to know EXACTLY what i wanted. i mean, it was simple. i wanted to be in santa cruz. now, i don't know what i want, except that i want to be where GOD wants me. there are pros and cons to every place i've applied and i change my mind DAILY. today i shared with some very dear people that i might not be at vintage faith after this month. that was NOT my favorite...lots of tears on my part...but totally expected since vf has been my family and my home for the last 3 years. the cool part was how much love i felt from the people i talked to. it was just another awesome reminder of the way that God provided for me in a place i wasn't too excited about to begin with (sorry California folk ;) ). but that's not really the point of this blog.

the point is this: i need your prayers. there is so much going on with me right now, with the end of the school year only 2 weeks (9 school days) away, that paper that i REALLY need to write, moving out of my classroom, saying goodbye to the people i've worked with for the last 5 years, oh yeah...and moving at the end of the month to a destination yet unknown. WHEW! it's kind of a lot to deal with...and those of you who know me well, know my tendency to breathe it all in at once instead of taking it one step at a time. so if you have some time, please pray for me. pray that i will keep focused, that i will listen and allow God to direct my steps each day, and that i will continue to trust in His good, pleasing, and perfect will. thank you, in advance, for your prayers and i look forward to sharing with you who picked me and where God is taking me next! :)

Monday, May 14, 2007


i want to help
i offer it and i am pushed aside
everything within me screams - PLEASE LET ME HELP!
they just sit there
acting like i wouldn't be any help
and i wonder why i bother at all
they spend so much time being angry
they forget i have something to offer
they forget that i have so much love
for them...for ALL of them
life is different than it was
but it doesn't make me love them less
or blind and callous to their need
please let me help...what are you so afraid of?

Friday, May 11, 2007

popsicles anyone?

well, here is some amazing news...especially if you haven't heard yet! :)

I wanted to let you know that God has answered your prayers with a huge YESSSSS! :) Mom was able to drink the sweet stuff before her CT Scan without too much of a problem and my parents met with her doctor at 4pm. Her CT Scan was totally clear!!! :) All of her bloodwork looked good and her white blood cell count is totally back to normal!!! :) So, she scheduled her 3 month check-up and in my mom's words, "We're blowin' this popsicle stand!" Thank you, again and again and again for your faithful prayers!!!!!!

Please do pray that everything goes smoothly with her port removal on Monday (and subsequent recovery), that the rest of my mom's body would get back to "normal," and also for the move back to Alaska. Mom, Dad, Cindy, Jeremy, and I are all going to Canada at the end of next week to help get a camp ready for the summer session of campers - and for some family time - and it looks like we have lots more to celebrate! :) WA-HOOOO!!! God is, SO good and He is faithful always!


Sunday, May 06, 2007

more than i can say

it's been a while since i blogged. maybe i've been subconsciously waiting because i don't have BIG news to share yet...and maybe i've just been feeling like i don't have much to say. who knows...but i DO have some fun news. i got a piano yesterday! i'm so beyond excited that i can't even explain. it's not a steinway baby grand or anything, but it's mine and it was free. my friend brynn gave it to me...because she's rad and she had to find a new home for it. i think she was sad to see it go - she's had it since she was 4 - but i think she's really glad she gave it to me, because she loves me and she knows i'll take good care of it. i wonder if God feels like that He wants to give us something because He knows that not only will we be blown away by the blessing, but we will take really good care of it.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

a precious baby girl

She's here
She's beautiful


She's perfect


Brooklyn Grace was born on March 29, 2007. Her mommy is one of my dearest friends and I am SO blessed to be an "Auntie" to Brooklyn and her big brother Aiden. I went to visit Stef and Brooklyn in the hospital on Friday and I was there when Aiden met "Bookins" for the very first time. I've seen A LOT of really cute things in my life - I'm around kids a happens - but I have never had my heart MELT the way it did when Aiden saw his baby sister and tried to feed her crackers...or when he said "Mommy, HOME!" because he just wanted Stef and Brooklyn to go home with him that very minute. Love is easy for kids...and it's so perfect and pure and completely heart-melting. That was SUCH a beautiful day.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

why does it happen?

been thinking today...thinking about how much different my relationships are now than even a year ago. people i thought i'd be close to are just gone. poof. like they weren't ever a part of my life. i have photographs and memories to prove they were there...and yet there's a space in my heart that hurts a little every time i see one of those pictures or remember one of those memories. maybe i loved them too much. maybe i didn't love them enough. clearly, we've all moved forward. i'm certainly in a better place, with better boundaries...and maybe that was the point. to learn to have better boundaries, better safeguards for my heart. in moments like this one, i think - why can't we be friends? and then i'm reminded of why i don't really want that...that God is bigger than even the smallest twinge of "missing you" that i might feel...and that change can hurt...but it's good. REAL good.

Monday, January 15, 2007

procrastination = blogging

so here's a funny story. i started writing this really long blog about how i've been procrastinating writing these two papers that i need to have finished by January 31st. it was a really great blog. i was just about finished and somehow accidentally pushed the wrong keys and poof! witty, humorous blog deleted. guess that's what i get for procrastinating. maybe i ought to get to those papers now. ugh.


It's been awhile since I posted anything...maybe I feel like I haven't had much to say...or maybe I've been talking so much lately that I'm all "said" out. Either way, this post isn't going to be long. My church community - Vintage Faith Church - is doing an experiment of sorts as we go through our next series. It's called (re)new: the messy mysterious process of transformation. What they've decided to do is create a blog that people can write on during the worship gathering, or whenever. It's basically a forum for people to write about how they want to see God transform their lives and the process we all go through as God begins to do that work in us. I think it's a cool way for people to mentally process the spiritual process that's taking place in their lives...and the best part is that anyone can participate. I'm excited to see how it turns out! You can check it out at:
If you want to comment, please be respectful to the readers and writers of the blog. Thanks...and I'll try to post again soon!