Friday, November 11, 2011

if you could see inside

"break my heart for what breaks Yours..." ~ from Hosanna by Hillsong United

sometimes my heart feels so the thinnest little jolt and it all comes crashing down. my heart is broken. but i am well. how is that even possible? somewhere in these past several months i moved from a place of being broken to a place of being well in the midst of brokenness. part of being fully myself has been about learning to carry the compassion and love of the Father without being crushed by it's immensity. grasping the length and depth and breadth of His heart for me and learning to give it away. i was made for many things. one of them, like the lyric, is to have a heart that is broken for the things that break His heart. i can tell you, with absolute certainty, my heart is in that place. and the beautiful thing is while my heart feels deeply the grief of a Father, i understand that it is not meant to be a burden. and the moment i begin to feel burdened by it, i feel Him lean against me and carefully pull the weight of it back onto His shoulders. He shares it with me because He trusts me to give away love and compassion in the midst of chaos...and there is so much grace for me in this season to do exactly that. i don't do it perfectly every time...especially if i'm emotionally strung out or my eyes are not fixed only on His. but make no mistake, it is my honor to walk this road. it is my delight and my joy to give away even a fraction of what has been given to me. and to be there on the other side, when redemption comes for the broken? that is what i'm most excited about. every time.

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