Sunday, October 30, 2011

do you love me?

what is it to love? to really deeply love?

it is not: having every answer, giving great advice, or solving another's crisis

it is: constant faith for another, being steadfast in a storm, being unafraid of tears, walking alongside and sometimes carrying another to the Father as many times as it takes, being comfortable with silence, trusting the Father for what is yet seen, and laying down your life because you believe they are worth it.

my heart is so heavy these days. the burdens of the ones i love feel like a thousand pounds of shattered dreams. it used to be this weight was too much for me to carry. i was so easily crushed by the brokenness of others because i was suffocating under the weight of my own. from the depths of my soul, i have learned to love. to give it. to receive it. so, while the weight of their pain is great, and my heart aches for them, i am not drowning anymore. in my freedom, i remain steadfast. i have faith for them. tears for them. and i trust the Father and His heart for them. i will walk alongside and i will carry them as long as it takes. and i am not afraid. i have great hope and i will continue believing, because i know redemption is coming. and i know it will be good.

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