Sunday, February 28, 2010

one week

seven days. well, eight, i suppose. if you're counting today. i can't believe it's nearly here. all the training. next sunday is the day that i run for the rogers'. 13.1 miles. a distance that three months ago i was very unsure i could do. now, a week away, i'm sure i can do it and that feels pretty exciting :). please pray for my back and knees to remain strong and for my overall health. there are a whole lot of germs making their way around and i'm doing my best to avoid them. wednesday i'll fly...but i already have butterflies, both the excited and nervous kind...and then i'll spend a couple of days getting used to the climate. looking forward to sun...maybe i'll get a tan ;)...and mostly just relaxing. all that time with Jesus will do me some serious good :).

1 comment:

Loraine said...

You go girl... I wish we could help. Praying for you though.