Sunday, November 22, 2009

so here's the deal. i know i'm going to have up days and down days during this whole "training for a half-marathon" business...but let me just say...I HATE THE DOWN DAYS! i was supposed to run 4 miles today. i didn't. my legs were just too tired. i wasn't having trouble breathing...which is good...and i was loving the music in my ears...but my legs were just done.

i know i should be proud of how far i DID run...and i am...but there is this nagging feeling that i am never going to be able to finish a half-marathon in 3ish months when i can't even finish 4 miles. see. i told you i hate the down days.

seems to me that someone is trying to make me give up. but i won't. because someone BIGGER and STRONGER is going to run right next to me...He may even have to carry me a little, but He's going to make sure i finish. yep. i will finish :)

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