Monday, August 04, 2008

becoming who i was meant to be

i had a conversation today that hit me so hard i'm still trying to catch my breath. she was reading my heart...and she didn't even know it. or maybe she did. one of the things that amazes me about God is the way He uses other people to speak into our lives. her words came at the perfect time, and i didn't even realize until she said them that it was exactly what i needed in that moment. this moment. and in the moments to come. i get so caught up in being concerned about other peoples' opinions - their "measuring sticks" - and stuck on my own as well...that i forget that God is pleased with me. "until you KNOW that you are who and what He wants, it will waste your time and delay the release of what He has for you." who i am is enough for Him. why can't it be enough for me? whatever the answer, i'm about to let go of all the sticks i use to measure myself and my abilities. i'm about to ignore the sticks others use to measure me. i'm about to drown myself in the truth of who i that i can become who i was meant to be...and be released into what i was created for.

1 comment:

Alicia said...